Strawberry cheesecake


°1 paper puff pastry, dissolved

+Strawberry filler:

°1 cup sliced strawberries

°1⁄2 Cup of Sugar

°1⁄4 cup lemon juice

+Stuffing cheesecake:

°1. 8 ounce packaging of cream cheese, soft

°1⁄4 Cup of Sugar Sweetheart

°2 tbsp heavy cream

+Strawberry Layer:

°1 cup fresh strawberries sliced

°1⁄4 Cup Sugar Powder


Preheat oven to 400F.

Open the puff pastry sheet on a slightly floured chopping board.

Cut the pastry sheet into 3 slices along the folding marks. Then cut each bar in half making 6 rectangles.

Place each pastry rectangle on a paper-lined baking tray.

Bake for 15 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown.

Remove from the oven and cool completely on the bread rack.

Set aside.

Strawberry filler:

Combine strawberries, sugar and lemon juice in a small saucepan over medium heat.

Mash with the mash until the strawberries are cooked and the sugar dissolves.

Increase the heat to high temperature and boil the mixture. Boil about 5 minutes or until thickened.

Remove the pan from the heat and cool completely.

Stuffing cheesecake:

Whisk the cream cheese, sugar and cream together until smooth, about 3 minutes with the hand mixer.

Set aside.


Divide each pastry into 2 layers, making 12 in all.

Divide the cream cheese mixture evenly between each of the lower layers and distribute with a knife.

Cream cheese mixture with a layer of strawberry slices.

Top strawberries with strawberry filling.

Top the top pastry layer.

Sprinkle the powdered sugar over the puffed pastry.

Enjoy !